Friday, May 16, 2008

The Haygoods May 16, 2008

Tonight it was me and my mom that went, and to my surprise, my friend Ashley also went to the show. Ashley sat in the front row on the left side seat 14, by herself, and my mom and I sat in the second row seats 4 and 5. As usual they started a few minutes after 8:00. Whenever the show started, Dominic was the first one to notice that we were there, then the rest of them noticed. Whenever my mom and I go to the show, we like to pretend that the Haygoods are playing "Where's Waldo" because they are always looking for us when we go to the show, and of course they find us and keep looking at us during the show. The first half of the show was FANTASTIC as always, and they brought back the 50's Accapella section, the part with the lamp-post. I was glad they finally put it back in. During the Blues Brothers while Michael is trying to get the harness off on the stage, he jumps on the piano, but he then falls off onto the side, then he gets up and faces the audience, and he tries to shake it off, but he falls again, it was HILARIOUS. After that the rest was great. During intermission, I went and switched seats to go sit with Ashley in the front row, so she wasn't by herself, and my mom just stayed in the seat she was at. The second half was TERRIFFIC, and when they got to the tap dancing where it is Dominic, Michael, Patrick, and Shawn, tapping on the lights, whenever Dominic went to step on the colorful light, the one that goes "WAA CHA", all it did was light up and no sound came out of it, so he stepped on it a little bit harder and then the sound finally came out and they continued the show. That was about the funniest thing that happened during the second half. I didn't take pics of the show, but I did get a few after the show with some of the guys. I hope you all liked this review. Thanks for reading.


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