Saturday, December 15, 2007

Work Today!

You all know how Silver Dollar City (SDC) is open from 11:30 to 11:oo on saturdays. Well today I had to be there at 10:30 to fill the water jugs and put them at each ride, which is an easy job. By 11:30 we didn't open the rides because it was still too cold outside, but about 11:45 we opened the rides, and we only stayed open until 1:10 because it got too cold again. Everyone waited in the breakroom until we got further instructions. At about 2:45 we finally got word to shut down all the rides for the day, and I got out of there at 3:00, plus it started snowing, which is really cool. So this was my day today, it was fun, cold, and I got off early by about 8 hours, and they also made an announcement that they would shut the park down at 8:00. Hope you enjoyed reading this part of my day. Talk to everyone later.

<3 always Elizabeth


Tina said...

Going home early from work is fun, isn't it? hahaha. Glad you got to have a halfway relaxing day.
I don't know when I'm going to SDC next, but I'll definitely tell ya when I know, and look for ya. = )


annette07 said...

Even if you LOVE your job it is still fun to have some time to yourself. Hope you enjoyed your day.