Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Opening Night!!!!!!!!

Tonight is the big night for The Haygoods. I hope they have a great time with opening night and that there will be a lot of people there. They are such a wonderful group of singers and dancers, they are the best group that I have heard and seen since I have lived here. I just can't wait to see the show on saturday. I hope they have fun this year because it will be their last year in Branson, and then they will be going on tour. I will talk to you all later. Have a great day, and for those that are going to the show tonight, have a blast seeing them.


1 comment:

Tina said...

Ahh! Excitement!
A bit jealous of all the people that live so close. Like you, Liza. :D I have to wait until July to go. -sigh- But oh well, I have a feeling that the wait will be worth it!
But I was just thinking... if I had ever gotten the chance to live in Branson while the Haygoods were still there... I know which Starbucks would be my favorite! ^_^ hahaha.
