Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Haygoods April 5, 2008

I got off of work at 7:15 and Ashley and Tiffany came to pick me up so we could go to the show. We got to MCC and got in line to get our tickets. I used my SDC (Silver Dollar City) stuff to help get Tiffany in. We got our tickets and we sat in the balcony, row EE (5), seats 6,7, and 8. Ashely gave Tiffany and I some glow-in-the-dark clip on earrings and we wore those to the show. They started a little after 8:00 tonight.

The first half
The first half of the show was great as usual, but during the Blues Brothers part, while Shawn is running down the aisle and Michael is on the segway, the segway "bites the dust", says Dominic, so they will get another one for the show. After this everything else was awesome.

The second half
The second half begins and Shawn sings his song, and then when it comes to Dominic singing "Devil went down to Georgia" about halfway through the song or so, he forgets the words, it was hilarious, but he did find his spot before the song ended. Then just before they started to play "Old Washerwoman", Dominic started a couple seconds too early with the song, it was funny. Everything else went fine after all this happened.

After the Show
After the show Tiffany and I got in line to get pics. I got the pics up, it is under The Haygoods April 5, 2008. I didn't take pics of the show because of where we were sitting. I have 7 pics, please check them out and comment them. They are on myspace, facebook, and the message board. We got compliments on our earrings from Johnny, Michael, and Shawn, they liked them. At intermission while Ashley and I were talking to Johnny, I met two of the message boarders, Rebecca and Katrina, they sat second row, right side, aisle seats.

This is a short review, but it was AMAZING, HILARIOUS, FUN, FANTASTIC and really GOOD. I hope this was a good review, thanks for reading it.


1 comment:

annette07 said...

Great reviews-sorry I didn't comment on your other blog entries.
I am sooooo jealous that you are all getting to see the funny moments. Shoot! by the time we get there they will have them straighted out. LOL
Can't wait to go.